Male Urology - Enlarged Prostate

Why Choose Us for an Enlarged Prostate Diagnosis and Treatment?

The experts at Minnesota Urology work hard to remain on the leading edge of developments in minimally invasive benign prostatic hyperplasia order to provide you with a care plan customized to your needs and desires. Our team offers a wide breath of options for men suffering from BPH, including new technologies such as The UroLift® System and the Rezum procedure. Schedule an appointment today to discuss options and find the solution that works best for you.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is common problem for men, as almost all men will have growth of the prostate as they age. For many of these men, urinary symptoms related to that growth will result, with up to 20% of men needing treatment. Treatment options for BPH are available in many different forms, from medications to minimally invasive procedures. Minnesota Urology is dedicated to staying on the cutting edge of minimally invasive treatment options.

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About Enlarged Prostates

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that wraps around the urethra (the tube draining the bladder). The prostate functions in the production and delivery of the ejaculate to the penis. Almost all men will have growth of their prostate as they age, so benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), an enlarged prostate, is a common problem for men as they get older. Evidence of BPH can be seen in men aged 40-50, with more than 60% experiencing some degree of symptoms by age 60 and up to 80% by age 80. As the prostate grows, the enlarged tissue can obstruct the flow of urine by squeezing on the urethra, thereby increasing the resistance to the flow. While men with BPH may report a variety of symptoms, some of the most common include slow or interrupted stream, getting up at night (nocturia), having to void more frequently or urgently, hesitancy in initiating a stream, incomplete emptying, and dribbling urine at the end of a void. Urinary symptoms related to an enlarged prostate requires treatment in up to about 20% of men and brings these men to seek medical treatment or relief.

Treatment options for BPH are available in many different forms, from medications to minimally invasive procedures. Medications for BPH-related issues with urination are some of the most commonly prescribed medications for men. For men who progress beyond medication therapy, traditional surgical BPH treatment involves removing the obstructing tissue with either a resection (TURP) or an open incision (suprapubic prostatectomy). Fortunately, several minimally invasive options have been developed including Rezum, Urolift, and Aquablation. The medical experts at Minnesota Urology are dedicated to helping you find the option that best meets your needs and staying on the cutting edge of minimally invasive treatment options.

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Our urologists practice at a variety of locations throughout the Twin Cities and surrounding areas. Find the right physician and location today for your needs and make an appointment today!

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